Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Fair Fight Marches On

My first indication that Joe Biden had been elected as the President of the United States of America wasn't a push alert on my phone or a breaking news headline on my TV. It was a sudden outbreak of cheers and honking on the streets of New York City. And I knew we had finally won.

The past four years have been such a struggle. They have revealed everything that is nasty and rotten to the core about this country. Nazis carried tiki torches on the streets, people seeking asylum were imprisoned in cages, and as a pandemic raged throughout the country, the entitled and selfish (including the President) refused to wear masks and endangered their fellow citizens every single day. It has been a relentless barrage of vitriol and all caps tweets. Meanwhile, Republican politicians and news media kept accusing Democrats of liberal bias and being overly sensitive, while any criticism of their cruelty or corruption resulted in epic temper tantrums and bitter recriminations.

2020 has sucked, but on November 7, we finally got a glimmer of hope. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the best thing to happen to this country right now. As they gave their victory speeches, they re-emphasized that they cared for all Americans, not just the ones who voted for them. We will have intelligent people in the White House again. They will govern based on facts and reason. I was so relieved on Saturday when I knew they had finally won. I met my friend Laura and she said, "is this what it feels like to be happy?" But this morning, she sent me a link and we are now signed up to phone bank next weekend to register voters for the Georgia run-off elections in January so the Democrats can win back the Senate. It is all so goddamn exhausting.

I don't know what the next four years will look like. But I do know we will have to keep fighting to ensure that the next election doesn't drag us right back into the darkness. So pace yourself. There are more battles to come. 

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